ACP link in header

Adds a link to the ACP in the header of your site

Tired of having to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page just to access the ACP? Well here's a quick way to get the ACP link in you header - this places it on the right hand side of the navbar, but feel free to move it anywhere you wish.

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
                <!-- IF U_EMAIL_TOPIC -->
#-----[ BEFORE ADD ]------------------------------------------
    <!-- IF U_ACP --><br /><strong><a href="{U_ACP}" title="{L_ACP}">Admin CP</a></strong><!-- ENDIF -->

Note that I've only documented this for prosilver and prosilver based styles, but it's pretty much the same idea for subSilver2 styles. The reason I hard-coded the text in, was to save adding another var to language/en/common.php - {L_ACP} will work, but the text is too long IMO to place in the nav bar

Admin Link