Requested by zkaraca in this topic
# #-----[ COPY ]------------------------------------------ # icon_topic_poll.gif to root/styles/prosilver/imageset/icon_topic_poll.gif # #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # viewforum.php # #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ #
'FOLDER_MOVED_IMG' => $user->img('topic_moved', 'TOPIC_MOVED'),
# #-----[ AFTER ADD ]------------------------------------------ #
'POLL_IMG' => $user->img('icon_topic_poll', 'POLL'),
# #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # includes/acp/acp_styles.php # #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ #
'icons' => array( 'icon_post_target',
# #-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------ #
# #-----[ IN-LINE AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------ #
# #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # language/en/acp/styles.php # #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ #
'IMG_ICON_TOPIC_NEWEST' => 'Last unread post',
# #-----[ AFTER ADD ]------------------------------------------ #
# #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # styles/prosilver/imageset/imageset.cfg # #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ #
img_icon_topic_newest = icon_topic_newest.gif*9*11
# #-----[ AFTER ADD ]------------------------------------------ #
img_icon_topic_poll = icon_topic_poll.gif*16*16
# #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # style/prosilver/template/viewforum_body.html # #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ #
<dt<!-- IF topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG and S_TOPIC_ICONS -->
# #-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------ #
<!-- IF topicrow.S_UNREAD_TOPIC -->
# #-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------ #
<!-- IF topicrow.S_HAS_POLL -->{POLL_IMG}<!-- ENDIF -->
# #-----[ DIY INSTRUCTIONS ]------------------------------------------ #
You now need to add the imageset to your forum. To do this, go to your ACP -> Styles Tab -> Imagesets -> Edit Prosilver -> Select "Poll" from the drop down (under General icons). On the image section below that, select "icon_topic_poll.gif" from that dropdown, select yes to include dimensions but leave the boxes blank and then click submit.