Shows the number of topic views next to the pagination info
Requested by NguyTieuNhan in this topic.
# #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # language/en/viewtopic.php # #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ #
'VIEW_TOPIC_POSTS' => '%d posts',
#-----[ AFTER ADD ]------------------------------------------ #
'VIEW_TOPIC_VIEW' => '1 view', 'VIEW_TOPIC_VIEWS' => '%d views',
# #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # styles/prosilver/template/viewtopic_body.html # #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ #
# #-----[ IN_LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------ #
# #-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------ #
This find is option, if you also want the topic views to show at the bottom of the page
# #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ #
# #-----[ IN_LINE FIND ]------------------------------------------ #
# #-----[ IN-LINE BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------ #
# #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # viewtopic.php # #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ #
'TOTAL_POSTS' => ($total_posts == 1) ? $user->lang['VIEW_TOPIC_POST'] : sprintf($user->lang['VIEW_TOPIC_POSTS'], $total_posts),
# #-----[ AFTER ADD ]------------------------------------------ #
'TOTAL_VIEWS' => ($topic_data['topic_views'] == 1) ? $user->lang['VIEW_TOPIC_VIEWS'] : sprintf($user->lang['VIEW_TOPIC_VIEWS'], $topic_data['topic_views']),